Saturday, July 08, 2006

my attempt at drawing

so, I couldn't sleep last night and had a sudden want to draw something. therefore, I found a pic of the Lady and the Tramp 2 (i think) on the web and tried to draw it. haha didn't turn out that badly =) um.. sry the drawing is flipped on the side, i can't help it, blogger won't let me put it horizontally. anyways. i might colour it....... after i make a photocopy of it so even if i mess it up, it won't be on the original. yea... i'm gonna do that someday. anyways bye! goodnight!


At 12:58 a.m., Blogger Souki said...

you draw soooooooo good. much better than me! hehe Yeah! Good drawing alice!! and I saw the dog's name tag haha

At 6:59 p.m., Blogger Shannyn said...

that's really really good! wow! (it is L&theT 2... but the same sceen is in L&theT #1)


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