my attempt at drawing

so, I couldn't sleep last night and had a sudden want to draw something. therefore, I found a pic of the Lady and the Tramp 2 (i think) on the web and tried to draw it. haha didn't turn out that badly =) um.. sry the drawing is flipped on the side, i can't help it, blogger won't let me put it horizontally. anyways. i might colour it....... after i make a photocopy of it so even if i mess it up, it won't be on the original. yea... i'm gonna do that someday. anyways bye! goodnight!
you draw soooooooo good. much better than me! hehe Yeah! Good drawing alice!! and I saw the dog's name tag haha
that's really really good! wow! (it is L&theT 2... but the same sceen is in L&theT #1)
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