happy 2 years
Happy 2 years Robin! me luvs you! =)btw, that was for yesterday. hehe
Treasure Hunters
well... on Monday, I saw 2 episodes of Treasure Hunters back to back. haha it's soo intense. it's kinda like a da vinci code game and the last team to decifer the clues and get the artifact loses and is elminated until there's only one team left. haha i was glued to the TV. so interesting, makes me wanna go join that game. anyone wanna come with me? hehe.
on another note, yesterday, robin, sammy, duane, stephen, michael (my bro) and I went to see Pirates of the Carribean: Dead man's chest. wowwwwww twas awesome. sooooo good. end had such a twist. hehe. fun fun. and the car ride was very entertaining. haha. we were all very close and friendly.
anyways, i don't have much to blabber about. see you all soon =)
my attempt at drawing

so, I couldn't sleep last night and had a sudden want to draw something. therefore, I found a pic of the Lady and the Tramp 2 (i think) on the web and tried to draw it. haha didn't turn out that badly =) um.. sry the drawing is flipped on the side, i can't help it, blogger won't let me put it horizontally. anyways. i might colour it....... after i make a photocopy of it so even if i mess it up, it won't be on the original. yea... i'm gonna do that someday. anyways bye! goodnight!
smarter flies.. beware...
so, suddenly, a bzzzzz sound came around the corner. I watch as Michael arms himself with the sacred blue fly swatter. "GET THAT FLY!" was what we all screamed. we chase it around the house and finally BAM! we think it's finally dead. my bro calls me in to take out the dead fly, but it was lying in the far corner of the bay window and it was hard to reach, so i use the fly swat to push the fly a little closer. but huh? what's this. I think i saw it buzz when the fly swat touched it. so i poked it with the fly swat again and it bounced up and tried to fly through the glass to get back outside but.. i guess it was more into the glass. then, i try to smack it again and it flew away and it hasn't been seen ever since. sooooo the next time u see a dead fly in your house. watch out... is it really dead? and when did flies ever learn to play dead?
to not be continued... cuz i don't like flies
PS Robin came over to play chess with us and go to the park with us yesterday. it was fun =)